The "Star Litter" Diaries; Part 10


  Nickname   Taro

Antares Scorpii Feline Fantasy
The name Antares means "rival of van Mars".
The second part, Scorpii, means “of the Scorpio constellation".
Antares is the 15th most bright star of our night sky and the brightest (the alpha star)
of the Scorpio constellation

  Gender   male
  Colour   blue classic tabby
  Adoptionstatus   selected!

10th Week; monday january 24th 2005

Another week has passed. All the commotion that the fancy has brought has settled down again and our household is once again at peace. It has been a good week with out any disturbances. Taro is getting naughtier by the day, jumping around as a little wildcat and challenging everyone, including Smirnoff. His favourite game at the moment is jumping on top of the little pink play tent, while dear Smirnoff is inside!

There is one point of worry: as of Wednesday Taro’s weight increase has been a little bit off line. He certainly does not seem tot be ill, he’s much too playful to be sick. We think he lacks the concentration and peace to eat his fill. He never was a good eater, but now it’s as if he has no time at all to eat; he just keeps playing!

An other possibility has crossed my mind: he is still suckling milk and Jay has been in heat the past two weeks… I have heard of cases in which mother milk had gone bad because of this, but then again: he is not sick! Had Jay’s milk gone bad, then he would have had some signs of sickness and the only thing that we can notice is the fact tha he is not putting on weight according to his growth curve.

On Sunday we assembled the bench again, with the intention to put him in the bench at his feeding time and to allow him an hour of rest after eating. Well, that was a wrong idea! He went in quietly, sat down to eat a few bites and then wanted out again. At first he tried to dig his way out, then he started mewing and finally he tried to force himself trough the bars! He was getting wilder and wilder and I was afraid he might hurt himself, so I opened the bench and let him out! Now we decided to put Jay and Taro in the cats room during the day, maybe this will work…

Below you can find the weights of our tenth week:











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